Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Ego Patterns

    We are all given visions in one form or another throughout our lives, even if what we see and hear may be ignored, over analyzed or rationalized by our logical brain. Nevertheless, if we become conscious of the gifts given behind the eyes our spiritual world would be rich indeed. Guidance helped me see something greater than my self.

     Guidance on Ego Patterns
    All of life is made up of energy patterns that are a reflection of the God Force. Interference and control diminishes the patterns purity . Manipulating, distorting and scrambling pure patterns already perfect, dims the Light.

     Guidance flows within the Light, forever the Light and yet the interference blinds you into unconsciousness.

      If all things are in Divine Order, you are All things in Divine Order. You are learning lessons about your humanness, consciously seeing, monitoring, involving, evolving, viewing, questioning, detailing, for the purpose of making sense of life.

    You are all awakening into the Light but may not see at first what is staring at you. You are learning the perfect lessons in order to wake from a deep sleep.

     You were once and still are all that you have been and will always be in the Spirit of Love where magic resides. All is possible in the realms of love.

     As you fall back to sleep, the ego’s emotions separate you from your true self and create a separate pattern, devoid of your Divine True Self, the pure pattern of love.

     The pattern of Life Spirit Energy is total and yet the human mind-ego strays to become a stranger in a strange land. To make it familiar and comfortable the ego state makes excuses why it feels threatened, isolated, inferior, hurt, unloved, betrayed because it is the heavy mind ego creating these patterns to fight the things the Soul Spirit loves.

     The Spirit Light is unchangeable, it is home, it is a familiar essence, it is Source, it is bliss and purity with no perception or conception of fear to exist. You all know peace, bliss and yet you become anxious when you think outside forces are controlling you. This is your ego pattern for controlling separation.  
You are powerful beyond measure.

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